Now I feel really uncomfortable saying this, but I know a few of you will have noticed that I haven't written anything here for a while. This is more due to the vicissitudes of internet service provision and impending massive deadline than anything else, such as laziness or accidentally getting a job... but anyway, in the meantime, this is quite a bumper month for E&V related media-saturation. What can you digest?
As is now becoming quite regular, I have a small thing in ICON this month, where you can catch me in Positive! mode...
In more theoretical mode, I have a short essay in Hotshoe magazine this issue, discussing the photography of Robin Friend. If any of you know me you'll not be surprised to discover that it's got iron & glass, ruins, ghosts, Herzog & Derrida in there, but his work really is like that...
And in ambiguous mode, Frieze are carrying my review of the AA's First Works exhibition, which was interesting but more than a little depressing, or maybe that was just just me... (boom tsch)
Anyway, that's enough self aggrandisement, but please go and buy these wonderful publications, or at least look at them in your local art school library.
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